ministering to foster care youth and homeless women and their children in Northeast Florida

A message from Phylicia Perry:

In the early 2000s I began volunteering on a regular basis at Trinity Rescue Mission (TRM) in downtown Jacksonville, Florida.  At that time the shelter was available for only homeless men.  When the TRM women and children’s homeless shelter was opened in 2006, I witnessed firsthand the ravaging effects of homelessness in the lives of women with children and young people that had “aged out” of the foster care system.  Though the situation is dire for these precious people, it isn’t hopeless.  I believe my organization has tapped into a way to minister to these individuals in a holistic manner and help break the cycle of homelessness that traps so many people.    We hope to accomplish this by implementing our Partners In Compassion™ (P.I.C.) Initiative.  

  • The P.I.C. Initiative centers around providing transition/bridge housing for our target demographic (foster girls that have ‘aged out’ of the system as well as homeless women and their children) in a 9500+ square foot, 12 bedroom residential facility located in Northcentral Florida.  


  • Homeless women that have successfully completed a recovery, rehabilitation, and/or detox program would be selected as potential residents through recommendation from the directors of local emergency shelters.


  • In addition to providing housing in a stable, secure environment, the Initiative will afford residents the opportunity to participate in an 18-24 month WORK/STUDY/GROW program. 


  • All components of the program will be carried out on an 8 acre property owned by Sisterhood Of Servants and located in Putnam County, Florida.  The idea is to sequester residents at a place that is self-sustaining and away from old habits, relationships, and vices that hinder their economic advancements and life skills success.  Once the prospective land is purchased, it will be developed into a residential and horticultural haven that will include a large organic garden, orchard, greenhouse and plant nursery for commercial sales.  An extensive ornamental floral garden and pavilion will also be constructed to create a venue for “destination events.”  These on-site business enterprises will provide residents with job opportunities, practical work experience, and income while participating in the program.  See the current pictorial gallery of NorthPointe Acres.



Implement Sisterhood Of Servants’ comprehensive work/study/grow program to assist in breaking the cycle of homelessness while bringing long term stability to families and young, unaccompanied adults.  The scope of the endeavor is vast, so the project will be executed in phases.  The goal is to persuade as many local business owners, churches, civic organizations, social groups, and individuals as possible to become Partners In Compassion Members.  There are three specific areas of investment, and they are listed below: 


  • Terra Partner: contributions made toward the purchase of land (COMPLETE)
  • Green Partner: contributions are made toward land clearing, the purchase of the greenhouse, plants, and irrigation system (partially complete – $20.000 still needed)
  • Masonry Partner – contributions are made toward site plan development, foundation pouring, and construction of the primary residence ($2,300,000 total) Phase I building expenses:  $200,000 needed


Everyday Americans are the “front row stakeholders” in this crisis because homelessness and human trafficking stifle the community vibrancy that every resident should enjoy.  By working together, however, the negative psychological and economic consequences that accompany this scrouge can be diminished and a positive difference made in the lives of many.

  • 23, 339 children from birth to age 17 were registered in the Florida foster care system in January 2019
  • 969 foster children “aged out” of the system at the end of 2018 and were faced with the daunting reality of being thrust into adulthood
  • 28,591 people were living on the street, in the woods, or in emergency shelters on a single night in January 2019
  • 95,860  school age children were homeless during the 2018-2019 school year
  • in 2018, 50-60% of human trafficking victims came from the foster care system.


How Can You Be Involved with the P.I.C. Initiative 


After reading through the proposal, we hope that many local business owners, churches, civic organizations, social groups, teachers, students, families and individuals in will become Partners In Compassion Members and help us fund this endeavor. Want more information?  Contact Phylicia Perry at to receive a download of the full proposal.   


Gather your employees, members of your family, small group, social club, church, or classroom and make a P.I.C. pledge.  Click here to complete the Pledge Form and designate the total amount you’d like to give.  Your pledge can be paid any time.  This will help us gauge the progress we’re making with our fundraising goals. 

Our fundraising campaign is ongoing.  Click the donate button to make a secure, tax-deductible donation through Paypal:


Stay tuned to the website for seasonal updates on our quarterly outreach activities 

How Will the Initiative be Implemented 

PHASE I – $60,000 investment (complete ☺)

1.  Purchased a large tract of land in Putnam County, Florida. 7.87 acres were closed on in August 2021.  The property is called NorthPointe Acres.  
2.  Cleared approximately 1.5 acres of the property that is being utilized for a demonstration garden that showcases ornamental plants, organic vegetables, and a special events venue. 
3.  Installed a commercial grade well pump system 

PHASE 2 – $100,000 investment (to be completed Fall 2023)

1.  Solicit a minimum donation/pledge amount of $1000 from at least 100 businesses and individuals, payable by September 2023
2.  Develop site plans with local contractor for the 8500 square foot group living facility 
3.  Break ground and pour the foundation for the building